Together we empower
Together, we empower. We empower Kalamazoo-area homeowners to take their future in their own hands. We empower those we serve to restore the comforts of home through critical home repairs. We empower homeowners to garner the skills and knowledge to confidently repair and maintain a home through our educational programming.
Many of the homes we work in are on the brink of being condemned or the owners face potential displacement. Some homes face emergency or imminent health or safety risks for the families who occupy the home. Large of small, we encounter many issues for which homeonwers often do not have the financial resourcs to hire professionals or the ability to fix themselves.
Empowerment goes beyond a stable home environment and the confidence to maintain or repair a home; our work also:
- Creates intergenerational wealth by avoiding catastrophic repair costs and reducing utility expenses.
- Combats climate change through energy efficiency measures in the home.
- Maintains a stable environment for families and children, especially with virtual learning in the home throughout the pandemic.
- Provides homeowner independence and peace of mind for seniors and individuals with disabilities.
- Minimizes the trauma and uncertanty of housing insecurity and displacement.
- Preserves and strengthens vibrant core neighborhoods and reduces the impact of blight.
With your donation, together we can offer some relief for someone in crisis, someone who has nowhere else to turn. Please give today. Every donation, no matter the amount, can change the story for a family.
Thank you!